The hardest part about leaving SCFCU was…
Leaving an amazing work environment that was a part of my life almost every day and saying goodbye to co-workers for a long period of time.
Leaving an amazing work environment that was a part of my life almost every day and saying goodbye to co-workers for a long period of time.
How similar it was to the
My favorite food/treat I ate while I was there was…
Milk tart! It is a dessert that has a milky thick custard filling poured onto pie crust and sprinkled with cinnamon. Another favorite is Horlicks milkshake. Horlicks is a powder that can be mixed with ice cream and milk to create a malt and tastes like a blend of vanilla and cake batter, it is absolutely delicious. I have the recipe for the milk tart but I am determined to find Horlicks on Amazon.
The craziest/most adventurous thing I did while there was…
Bungee jump off of the highest commercial bungee bridge, the
The prettiest animal I saw was…
A leopard! I saw one for the first time in my life in
My favorite part about everyday life in
You never knew what was going to happen; every day was a new experience. The people are extremely friendly and I was able to immerse myself into the culture and learn new things every day. I also became very well acquainted with the lingo there by naturally saying things like; ‘shame’ or ‘I’ll be there just nownow’, or ‘that’s dodgy’.
While I was gone, I really started to miss…
My car! I had to walk almost everywhere otherwise I would take the cheapest transportation available which were called Kombi’s. These vans were a bit ‘dodgy’ (sketchy) because they crammed several people into one vehicle but were also very fun because they played very loud music. All I have to say is luckily I always arrived to my destination.
One thing I learned while on the trip was…
To not take certain commodities for granted. Conveniences that I easily accessed at home were sometimes not available in
I’m surprised how much I miss…
Living in Annie’s with the community of international students, the beach, the rugby games, traveling in jam packed cars and driving for up to 36 hours straight, and the South Africans!
The most exciting part about coming home was..
Seeing my baby sister, Avery, again! Prior to my departure she would only roll around and smile, then during my stay she began crawling, growing teeth, and speaking the cutest gibberish! I was extremely happy to see her and happily surprised that she remembered me!
My words of wisdom now that I’m back are…
A life lesson I learned in